Before we start, we’d like to give our warmest welcome to 10 international press from Asia, Europe, and another 8 from our very own home country, Thailand. The reason they gather together during 28 – 30 January 2013 is because one brand new action was taken for the first time ever in the Horti ASIA world, the “Press Trip”.
The purpose of this activity is to prove that, in agricultural industry especially for fast growing countries in Southeast Asia, more effective and efficient output is not far from possible if the better and right input is applied. This means innovations and technologies are unavoidably needed for growing plants these days if ones wanted to survive in the industry and this is when Horti ASIA comes in handy. Now we shall take you to look at some samples of what the press had experienced from the trip.
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It started in Korat at Suranaree University of Technology where a smart farm model has been continuously developed for a number of years now. By adopting a computerized data management system that works together with a variety of sensors such as humidity and pressure sensor, this farm has become an ideal of many to come in the near future that would like to get better and more consistency output.
Then, a day later, our honorable guests were amazed again by the greatness of Thai Orchid Farm, the no. 1 orchid exporter in Thailand. Mr. Jade Meyanyieam’s farm is not only known for its remarkably wide range of orchid, but also arguably regarded as the best cut-orchid producer in the world! And guess what, it’s because they have a state-of the-art integrated management system which works perfectly with every technology needed to make them the best!
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After that, the trip finished in Ratchaburi at Rai Plook Rak, a pure organic farm, showing that although Thailand tends to be more focused on getting more agricultural output by using innovations and technologies, there is still enough room for organic food producer to offer their pure natural products to those extremely health conscious consumers. However, up to this point, we strongly believe no one’s ever said technologies can’t be applied in this particular category.
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At the end of the day, one may wonder how could people without privilege like these press ever got a chance to experience or even acknowledge things like this. Well, let’s say visit Horti ASIA 2013 at Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) during 9 – 11 May 2013 and you’ll see that all the answers you’ve been looking for are just right in front of you!